Our courses in 2019
Dear colleague,
This is to inform you of the upcoming Limperg Courses in 2019:
- Managerial Accounting, 28 January – 31 January, with Dennis Campbell. Course coordinator: Peter Kroos,p.kroos@uva.nl. Course is already fully booked
- Python, March 18 – 22, with Ties de Kok, venue Tilburg University. New reading list attached.
- Analytics and modelling for empirical researchers, from April 1-5, venue to be decided, with Christian Hofmann. Course coordinator: Jan Bouwens, j.f.m.g.bouwens@uva.
nl. - Advanced Financial Accounting, from June 12-14 and June 17-18, venue University of Amsterdam, with Shiva Rajgopal. Course coordinator: David Veenman, d.veenman@uva.nl.
- Experiments, June 26 – July 3, venue University of Amsterdam, with Robert Bloomfield. Course coordinator: Bart Dierynck, b.dierynck@uvt.nl.
- Data Analysis and Data Management, 16-18, 21-22 October, venue to be decided. Course coordinator: David Veenman, d.veenman@uva.nl.
- Capital Markets Research, December 3 – December 7 (Tuesday-Saturday), venue Erasmus University Rotterdam, with Peter Easton. Course coordinator: Erik Peek, epeek@rsm.nl.
- Economics of Auditing and Assurance, spring/summer 2020, venue to be decided.
Please feel free to pass on this information to anyone for whom you think is interested to sign up for any of these courses. Please contact the course coordinator or Hetty Rutten (h.rutten@tilburguniversity.
You can sign up for the courses with the attached form. Also attached the reading list of the courses of last year.
Please note: For each of these courses it’s a requirement that you participate in the preparation course that will be organized in the Netherlands. Soon we will announce the dates of the preparation meetings.
Kind regards,
Hetty Rutten