Limperg instituut

Sprekers 2024

Federica Picogna
Is a PhD researcher at the Center for Accounting, Auditing & Control at Nyenrode Business Universiteit. Her research focuses on the development of statistical techniques for the responsible use of Artificial Intelligence, with a specific emphasis on audit-related applications, and their accessibility in the open-source software JASP. Previously, she attained her Bachelor’s degree in Statistics for Technology and Science and her Master’s Degree in Statistical Sciences, both from the University of Padua.

Brinn Hekkelman
Is sinds 2022 onderzoeker bij het Centraal Planbureau, waar hij actief is bij data science en risico & regulering. Hij houdt zich onder andere bezig met onderzoek naar rechtvaardige selectiealgoritmes en naar de inzet van machine learning technieken om arbeid- en gezondheidsrisico’s in kaart te brengen. Brinn studeerde wiskunde en natuurkunde aan de UvA, waarna hij bij het CWI en de TU Delft promoveerde op eerlijke mechanismen voor capaciteitsverdeling in energienetwerken.

Laura van Liere MSc
Werkt als econometriste binnen de Consulting praktijk van PwC en is mede-auteur van het artikel in NL Fiscaal waarover deze lezing zal gaan. Zij heeft ruime ervaring in het helpen van publieke organisaties bij hun rekenwerk.

dr. Marcel Boersma
Is specialized in network theory and graph neural networks for financial auditing. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Computational Science from the University of Amsterdam. At KPMG, he leads the products and development unit, applying his expertise to real-world auditing problems.

Prof. David Wood
Is passionate about understanding new technologies and implementing them into the curriculum of Brigham Young University, where he works as the Glenn D. Ardis professor of accounting. David has published over 160 articles in a combination of respected academic and practitioner journals, monographs, books, and cases. He was recently named by Accounting Today one of the top 100 most influential people in accounting. He works with the EYARC to develop curriculum that is provided for free to academics throughout the world (see He is also a coauthor on the market-leading AIS textbook, Accounting Information Systems by Romney, Steinbart, Summers, and Wood and codeveloper of the website, which provides free materials to learn technology. He has provided training or consulting to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and many multi-national, national, and local companies. You can reach him at